< No. 6 1.1 "Dave's World" Page Six >
First published: 2012-11-14

This strip's permanent URL: http://davetheseries.co.uk/6

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1 Dave: [Annoyed] “For goodness sake! Must you pick holes in everything!

2 Eliot: “Just get on with it! And tell it truthfully!”

3 Dave: “The truth. Of course. But what is the truth?”

4 Dave: [Walks over to a board with a picture of the human mind on it] “We all know that the human memory is not entirely accurate.”

5 Dave: “One expert on memory has described what we remember of our past as nothing more than ‘imaginative reconstruction’.”

6 [Dave winks knowingly]


Dave Hobday on 2012-11-15 18:26:13

Yay! Dave is finally back!

Here Dave relates the theory that all memories are just “imaginative reconstructions”. This premise will allow me to get away with any deviations from the truth in this series; even though it is based on my real life, there may be certain liberties taken with some characters or events that can be explained away by Dave’s imagination!


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